FlightLink Interface Cable - TruTrak Vizion / BendixKing xCruze Autopilot
Interfaces the BendixKing xCruze (formerly known as the TruTrak Vizion) autopilot with FlightView. The FlightView autopilot interface supports:
- GPSS Turns (no overshoot)
- Lateral and Vertical Navigation
- Track Mode
- Vertical Speed Mode
- Altitude Hold
- Altitude Pre-Select
Note: This cable only works with the TruTrak Vizion / BK xCruze autopilot. For all other digital autopilots, order the FlightLink NMEA Interface cable.
Note: This cable is only used with FlightView version 1 and 2 hardware (i.e. systems with the FDC labeled "FlightBox Pro"). It is not needed for systems with FDC v3 and later hardware.
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